Let’s Get a Cute and original Japanese Kanji Name!
Let’s Get a Cute and Original Japanese Kanji Name!
If you want to have an original Japanese Kanji name.
I’ll give it to you based on your information or my inspiration or my imagination.
Although that picture and her name are just a sample.
For example.
Her name is Jasmine and Jasmine is flower’s name.
We call jasmine a MATSURICA 茉莉花(マツリカ).
Kanji and Katakana are 茉莉花(マツリカ).
The explanation of Kanji is here ⇒【Kanji】Wikipedia
The explanation of Katakana is here ⇒【Katakana】Wikipedia
By the way
The meaning of Jasmine in Language of Flowers is amiability.
Therefore I named her Malica 茉莉花.
That’s a very cute and beautiful name.
Even though I changed her name a little bit.
Here is another sample ⇒ NEXT SAMPLE